Monday, May 13, 2013

Things We Won't Tell My Husband: Episode 7

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Every Monday I run a column called Things We Won't Tell My Husband. It's just a few things that are either silly, heartfelt or sometimes melancholy that I haven't bothered my husband about. Know that I have no problem in real life talking to him about any of this stuff. But some of this just isn't important enough to discuss in the brief windows of time we have to communicate or that he just doesn't care about. But I think military girlfriends and spouses can definitely relate, smile and laugh at these kinds of things.

1. That our little one said she and I are going to have to get secret sodas after Dad comes home. I rarely do soda but Dad never gets her soda. I'm okay with her having soda once a month or less. I don't give her anything with caffeine. So sue me. lol.

2. How excited I am to dump the Deployment Emergency Binder! Woot! I've been dragging that beast around with me everywhere for a year.

3. That the Navy has only checked in on us once since R and R five months ago.

4. That despite the fact that he talks with us a few times a week he totally doesn't get what life here has been like for the past year. He doesn't get deployment survival mode. It hasn't been easy-going, every day life around here. Can't seem to explain that to him.

5. That I haven't used his beloved VitaMix since he's been gone. I have not had time to get around to experimenting with gourmet smoothie making. But we certainly have eaten very healthily.

6. That I did a big Home Depot shop this past Saturday to get all the stuff I knew we needed and he would be looking for that I had let slip. Hello mothballs. Goodbye moths.

7. How excited I am to have him make salsa for us. Even if he makes 4 times too much every time because he doesn't use a recipe.

8. How badly I want a new dining table. First world problem I am not even going to begin to mention right when he gets home. We are currently using one I inherited years ago that is a total embarrassment. He has one in storage that is too grand for this apartment we're living in right now. How I'd love to throw those hideous chairs off our balcony and watch them smash into the concrete below!

9. That I realized if we move we'll start sharing a bathroom. Ack! As it stands, I lived here by myself when we met. So he started using the bathroom & closet in the second bedroom when he started coming here to visit and it stuck. I still have the entire closet and bathroom to myself in our room at this point. I better enjoy that while it lasts.

10. I've tried to tell him this one, but I don't know that he will ever truly understand that I am deeply sorry he's had a hard year, experienced a lot of frustrations at work and that he's so tired. I can't do anything to change that, but I do care and I am sorry. Hopefully my actions will speak louder than words once he's home.

So do you have any things you'd put on your list of things you just haven't bothered your other half about?

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