Friday, May 17, 2013

Sounds I Love As A Military Spouse

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There are a lot of sounds that are very specific to the military life. Here are a few I have a fondness for that you might have a sweet spot for too. Granted all of these can be annoying when they happened at the wrong time or for too long. But in small doses they can be heartwarming.

1. The "whoop-whoop-whoop-whoop" of big helicopter rotor blades. I recognize that sound immediately from a distance now. It always makes me feel safe. Unless it's nighttime exercises and I am trying to sleep in on-base lodging a few hundred yards from the airfield.

2. The national anthem in the morning on base. I love seeing everyone stop in their tracks at attention. Again this can also be frustrating when you are rushing to get somewhere and everything stops.  But, seriously in the big picture, we're not too busy to slow down and show some respect for this great country of ours, right?

3. The sound of marching or running service members chanting cadences as they go. Cadences have a pretty interesting history. You can read about it here. In San Diego I often see Buds students with inflatable boats on their heads as they go. I always want to stop & cheer them all on. I restrain myself but it's not easy. I just want to go over & tell those instructors to be nice and stop yelling at them. Haha.

4. The Pledge of Allegiance, National Anthem and God Bless America sung by our little girl at the top of her lungs. I love that she has an appreciation for this country and patriotism that most young children have no understanding of in this country anymore. They don't even say the Pledge in many schools now.

5. The words "See you soon" said by the love of my life. We have been apart a lot over the past three years. Knowing he's coming home safe, sound and SOON is the best feeling in the entire world.

So friends, what are your favorite military sounds? I'd love to hear what warms your heart and makes you feel connected.

1 comment:

Hearing from you makes my day. Thanks for your comments.