Thursday, June 6, 2013

I Can't Get Enough Of This Guy

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I have to confess that I am like a little puppy dog following my husband around. I just want to be with him every second. I could follow him around the house all day. It's a little bit ridiculous and I know it, but at the same time I can't quite help myself.

I talked with a doctor this past week about anxiety and he said that in times of high stress or adjustment everything starts to feel bigger and more scary than it is. I think there is some part of me that doesn't want anything to happen to my husband now that we've survived deployment. I don't want to risk letting him out of my sight. As if I could protect him from anything, silly right? We've already been apart quite a few nights since he first came home and I have to admit saying goodbye to him even for a few days is very hard right now. When he left a few days ago I was grumpy & not very nice all morning. I kept apologizing & explaining but I was still unable to wrangle my tense attitude completely.

I think I also am trying to make up all the time we lost this past year, even though I know it doesn't work that way and I deep down know that I don't need to feel that way. I just need to enjoy every moment I have with him, but I still feel a little crazed that I just can't get close enough to him and can't be with him enough. I realize this is an illogical response to normal emotions.

I am restraining myself as much as possible from acting like a nut. But boy do I like being around this boy and it is pretty fantastic. It's good to have him home and to love him more and appreciate him more and enjoy him more than I ever have. Despite all the challenges that come with trying to find our new way forward for our family after being apart for a year. The fun we're having is definitely a bright spot that I am enjoying every day.

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Hearing from you makes my day. Thanks for your comments.